Friday 14 March 2014

Have you not found my shoe yet?



forensics on scene

yellow tape cordons

shallow woodland grave

At long last, now he will be found

the bastard who did this to me.


with brush and trowel

gently moving soil

revealing her all

I loved that dress, it was new

It’s now in shreds, oh what a mess!


camera clicking

flashes flickering

blackbirds twittering

Be careful with those size 10s

my right hand might be important.


systematic log

tag it and bag it

label it and pack it

Well done, that’s right, only one earing

Have you not found my other shoe yet?


on the lab’s cold table

scalpel removes skin

scratched from his head

I’m sorry about the chips mum

I fought him dad, truly I did


witnesses interviewed

statements filed

earing found in car

thanks Mr. Woo from the Chinese

who saw a stranger lurking

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