Friday, 23 May 2014

Short Story Quickie


I do occasionally read short stories, usually with my online book group. When I was a child the only reading done in my father reading the newspaper and my mum who read The People’s Friend which I am astounded to find still exists today. It was and is a magazine aimed at women, and in those days aimed at housewives, and packed full of craft and cooking articles side by side with short stories. I don’t think I picked up another short story until I was in my 40s, in the days before ipads, tablets and mp3 players, when I would do long car, train or plane journeys for work and especially with car journeys could end up sitting outside a client site for 30 minutes or so having arrived too early for my appointment. Poetry and short stories were a great gap filler.

Now as I say I read them mainly with my online reading buddies, but whereas I review and log my other reading here I never say anything about the short stories I read. So I am going to rectify this immediately with the tag “Short Story Quickie”. I will give a very brief comment on the story, (purely my opinion on first reading), the usual link to more from the author and, if I can find one, a link to where you can read the story.

I reckon as a rule of thumb short stories take anything between 10 and 60 minutes to read – so great for when you are sitting down with a good cup of tea. They are also a great way to test out an author you haven’t read before. Please post back if you follow up on one to read.

Look for the first posting under this new tag in the next couple of days.

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