Impatient Griselda by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Only from the pen of Atwood!! She is such a wicked lady :) disturbing
the folkloric Griselda tale used in the original Decameron and playing
to the current global pandemic's feelings of alienation. The narrator's
octupus-like alien on a intergalactical-crises aid mission struggles to
communicate with the native bi-ped population, has overtones of third
world aid condescension, faces all the linguistic and cultural issues of
understanding the stories of the Other and although they are trying
their best can't wait to get home and back to a 'normal' life.
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I'm the first commenter?! I went looking on the internet for someone else who had read the story - I did several days ago. Can't stop thinking about it- it is so sly - what an abrupt dislocation from my Wednesday jaunt to the library.