Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Books to read and listen to

Just been further playing around with this blogging tool and have added in my currrent reading and audio book listens. Fellow book lovers can join in some of the discussion at Constant Reader .

I have also been acquiring lots to take with me on my travels. In addition to the inevitable ipod I've acquired a Sony E-Reader so am stocking up with lots of reading material. Any suggestions would be welcome.


  1. Hey Sheila! It took a while to find you, but find you I did! Looks like a great setup.


  2. Tx Beej, you are my first poster, but then again I haven't publicised the blog yet as I was just playing around before getting it started in ernest nearer depature time, once arrangement start to get underway. Good luck with yours.

  3. Thanks! I need to figure out how to add the link to this site on my own blog. We will ge4t this down pat, Sheila! I know we can do it!

  4. Sheila, this is so exciting! Between reading about Steve in Mexico and you in India, my vicarious traveling is going to be pretty exciting!

  5. Barb, I'm following Steve too. I admire him.
