For this journey we were in First Class - and before you think we went overboard and forked out a fortune for a sumptumpous berth, let me explain that First Class is more basic than 2AC. There is no AC, but also no glass/plastic in the windows, so after sunset and into our evening arrival at Vizag at 9:30PM it is quite cold. You absolutely needed warm shawls.
Hilary had picked the hotel out on the web, so we were taking a bit of pot luck but it turned out to be a good choice. Nice decor, great food in the restaurant, beer, very comfortable, firm beds, and quiet! We were very pleased with it and have it earmarked for another trip. For anyone planning a stay in Vizag it is the Hotel Daspalla, and its a 50 rupee autoride from the station at day time rates, although we ended up with 70 rupees late at night.
We had the best part of two days in Vizag and hired a driver for the whole of the Sunday to take us round all the tourist sites - temples, viewpoints at the top of the many hils around the city, the film/TV studio, beaches and submarine.
We also were taken to another hilltop where there was a film studio. We had no idea what to expect here. What we found was a permenant set with houses, shops, ploice station complete with holding cell, and a large mansion type house which could have had multiple uses as mansion, hotel etc. Inside it was just an empty hanger, so again the scene could be staged as per by the film requirements. Imagine some big Bollywood dance number. There were also a couple of very strange buildings whose use we could not fathom at all. One looked like a glass cube. We concluded that this may have been a set for something like a TV serial, a la Neighbours or Eastenders. The other thing that was going on was outside on the waste ground atop the hill where a production crewe were shooting a dance number. Judging from the many attempts to get the moves right, it was early days and their choreography needed working on. But we spend a little time listening to the director shouting through a megaphone, the cameras being wheeled back and forward on their gantries and the dancers practising their steps. I've no idea who anyone was, whether it was a famous director or if famous stars were involved. I did find out it was an Oriya movie.
Our last stop of the daywas down on the waterfron where the first Indian submarine is berthed as a museum. Given that I grew up near Rosyth dockyard I've never been in a submarine before. It is just as you'd expect, small. Even with some twenty to thirty peole going through in an organised fashion it feels crampt. Imagine what it would be like with a full crewe. One compartment had bunks in to show what it was like for a grunt seaman, 24 men in that compartment, you would not want to be clautrophobic or to have someone who snored in their sleep. The officers quarters, although more private with 4 people to a cabin were still tiny, and even the Captain's room was a tight fit. Passing through the individual compartments makes you realise how little is sealing off one from the other in the event of a flood or fire. we couldn't jump over the entrance ways
For our second day we walked through town to the local beach area, walked more there, found a Spencers supermarket, which Hilary had been told was the one supermarket chain that sold western style things. We went in just to buy a cold drink and ended up with bag full of goodies. Prime finds for me were dates and coconut milk. We treated ourself again to a nice leisurely lunch with the requisite cold Kingfisher beer back at the hotel, and settled down to read newspaper prior to our evening train back to Rayagada. We arrived only slightly late (30 mins) at Rayagada, and caught an auto back to my place for around 11:30PM.
The next day was a public holiday here, National Day, and we got up late, went and did some grocery shopping, walked aroud the nagar, found the short cut through to Rayagada's only hotel, the Sai International, which avoids the horrid main road and all its huge trucks, had some lunch and were feeling pretty pleased with ourselves for a jolly good weekend, whhen Hilary got a message from the UK to say that all trains to Koraput were cancelled! If it hadn't cme we'd have gone to the station not knowing what was happening. A bande/ strike had been called by the Naxalites, we found out later because the leader's wife had been arrested by police. After much to-ing and fro-ing we established that not oonly were trains not running that day, but there was only one running the following day and that was the long distance train form Bhubaneshwar to Koraput, yes the 5:30AM one! So we were back to the problem that started the weekend of how to get to the station early in the morning. I did not feel like I could call the office and have them asked Rajinda to come in since it was a National Holiday and he might not even be around. I sought assistance from my landlady. Luckily her daughter speaks good English for a 12 year old and she translated for me. The upshot was that she called the auto who drives her daughter to school and they said they would come at 4:45AM to pick Hilary up in time for her to try and buy a ticket at the station. That's not the way we normally do it as we try to book online to get a confirmed berth or seat. The wrose case would be that there were no tickets available and Hilary
would have to jump back in an auto and come back and wake me up again to get back in the house. So we called it an early night and got up and were ready and waiting at 4:30AM. 4:45 came and went, 5:00 came and went, 5:15 came and went. Clearly even a known driver wasn't coming out here at that hour. e went back to sleep. My landlady's daughter checked in with us when she got up to fnd out that the auto had not arrived. After grabbing a bit more rest we traipsed into my work, Hilary having contacted her NGO who finaly arranged for an taxi car to drive from Koraput to Rayagada to pick her up and take her back. She finally got back home around 3PM. So quite an extended long weekend. But I at least still felt the better for it. It will be a couple of months before another long weekend away is planned, when I intended to add a couple of days onto ta VSO trip to Puri.