Saturday, 16 January 2010

Exhibition of NGO and other SHG (Self Help Groups)

I went one evening last week to an exhibition that is being held over 3 days in the playing fields of a local college. It was a showcase for the works of various Self help groups and other civic societies and was full of people even on a cold night.

There have been cultural events going on as well on the main stage. We saw the Brinz dance troop, a local Orissan group who had won a national TV talent show. They were very good. Sadly I only got a very short segment on video as my camera card was full :( but enough to give you the jist, albeit that I was quite far back in the crowd.

Some of the stalls were selling produce - vegetables, spices etc, others textiles, saris, children's clothes, and others selling more artisan wares such as terracotta pots, picture frames, metal and wood work.

I acquired a chair for lounging in for 2300 rupees and a piece of metal artwork about 15 by 3 inches for 300 rupees, and from a stall highlighting the benefits of mushroom cultivation as a secure livelihood option, a bowl of the most tasty mushroom soup for the grand cost of 10 rupees to keep the cold weather at bay.


  1. Oh, I love that chair! Looks comfy.

  2. Beej, It is really great chair. I sit with my spare pillow at my back, lay back, put my feet up on my only other chair, one of those moulded plastic garden things, and relax. I take out my eReader or my ipod and that's me set for the evening!
