Tuesday, 17 April 2012

And there was light – an update to projects in India :)

Long time readers of my blog will remember my posts about sourcing chickens for Shakti’s backyard poultry project and being part of the initial visit to some remote villages at the start of a solar lighting project in Kasipur block.

I am really please to say that both these projects have been successful! You can read about it Shakti’s own blog, in their own words and pictures  - Backyard poultry - step towards  better livelihood and Light for happiness

Please join me in congratulating both the Shakti staff and the beneficiaries of both projects for all their hard work in making these projects a reality by leaving some congratulatory and encouraging message on their blog or Facebook Page

What a difference this will make!  May many more such projects bring light and income to the people of Kasipur block’s remote village communities.

Photo Copyright Shakti Organisation


  1. Congratulations, my friend! may you participate in many more projects like this!!

  2. tx ladies, The real congrats go to all the hard working folks at Shakti and the beneficiaries themselves for making it all happen.
