Wednesday, 14 April 2010

What's newsworthy in Orissa

These are the local news headlines in the India Express newspaper for Tues 13th April

Govt to sink tubewells in all blocks
Make village water security plan
ASHA workers demand hike
Heatwave prevails in Delhi
W. Orissa reels, respite in coastal belt
Govt forwards river linkage proposal
Ceasework hits production at Talcher coalfiels
Maoist posters found, politicans target
18 laborers injured in road mishap
5 foetuses found in a week
Dowry death alleged
Water crisis deepens, spreads overs areas
Village of Sanskrit pundits
Conduct of naval officer under scanner
Tribals adrift in a climateof fear
Scrappy waste disposal system
A farmer's wife, moother of four and a 43
Govt to recruit ex-servicemen to tackle Maoists

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