Friday, 5 December 2014

Villain to hero: The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

The Iron Man: A Children's Story in Five Nights


Ted Hughes,

Illustrated by Tom Gauld

Browsing the library shelves for inspiration in particular some short reads to fill a gap before several books I have on order arrive, I stumbled across this little gem. I never knew Ted Hughes had written books for children, and this kid at heart was spellbound for the short time it took me to read this modern fairy tale of the metal eating giant.

I loved the way they found a way to live in harmony after their fearful and antagonist start to their sharing of the earth, and how in the second half of the story the villain of this peaceful coexistence is changed into hero for all the world. All the best elements of a good yarn -  wonder, suspense, moral stance, and victory for good.

I found on YouTube this fun animation by school kids who clearly love the story as much a I did, and this audio recording of the whole story.

ashramblings verdict 4*: simply gorgeous , I’d have loved this as a bedtime read or Christmas morning story book.

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